L.A. TODAY: “Sh*t My TV Says: Revealing Gender & Race in Reality TV & Pop Culture” with Jennifer L. Pozner, Janice Rhoshalle Littlejohn & Morgane Richardson

Event Reminder: $h*t My TV Says: Revealing Gender & Race in Reality TV & Pop Culture

…an evening with Jennifer L. Pozner, author of Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth About Guilty Pleasure TV, and entertainment journalist Janice Rhoshalle Littlejohn, contributor to the L.A. Times, TV Guide, Essence, Emmy magazine and more. Moderated by Morgane Veronique Richardson of Refuse the Silence.

WHAT: Los Angeles Book Launch for Reality Bites Back

WHEN: Nov 17, 7:30 – 9:30

WHERE: Stories Books and Cafe, 1716 Sunset Blvd. Echo Park, CA 90026

Why are reality TV’s stock characters (The Desperate Bachelorette, The Angry Black Woman, The Douchebag Dude, etc.) so regressive? What are Frankenbites, and other behind-the-scenes open secrets in the reality TV industry? Why does pop culture culture reduce women and people of color to such limiting stereotypes? Find out in the town that creates them at the L.A. book launch for Reality Bites Back! Expect critical media commentary, revealing insights about gender, race and pop culture — and lots of laughs.

Free. Lively conversation among the presenters, with ample time for audience Q&A, followed by Jennifer L. Pozner signing her book, Reality Bites Back. And after: schmoozing. What could be better?

RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=158988040798946 Be sure to arrive early to guarantee a seat — Stories is a small space and the event has a HUGE guest list.

Cosponsored by:
* WAM!-LA (Women, Action & Media)
* HollaBack SoCal
* Women In Media & News

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